Akron Children's Hospital

The Safe Mobility Project is a collaboration between Akron Children’s Hospital and the Goodyear Foundation. It enables the hospital and community partner organizations to expand child safety programs focusing on child passenger seats, bike helmets, and teen drivers.


Specification, Hosting/Colocation, Web Development, Web Design

Available in 7 languages

The Safe Mobility site is available in English, spanish, Kiswahili, Arabic, Burmese, Karen and Nepali - to service local audiecnes.

Sample Teen Safe Driving Pledge

Users can create a safe driving pledge with their teens, complete with custom pledge statements - editable by the parent or teen. A PDF is created and emailed to the parent or child upon completion.

Sample Teen Safe Driving Page

There are safe mobility pages for teen driving, child passenger safety and also bike safety. Each section is complete with safety tips, materials and also videos.

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